Workforce Development

Our workforce development division is a strategic partner and thought leader for embedding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within the Talent Ecosystem in the Greater Cleveland area. We accomplish this through building out robust career pathways for young people matriculating through high school, customized employer-led adult training programs, and partnering with organizations and regional initiatives to identify and mitigate systemic challenges to equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Career and industry exploration, resume writing, and professional skill development in preparation to engage employers.
Earn certifications and industry-recognized credentials.
Direct access to employers through networking opportunities, career fairs, and recruiting events.
Healthcare Information
Financial Services
Government, Education & Non-profits
Renewable Energy and more!

What We Offer Job Seekers
We provide thought leadership and support services to raise employment and income levels, access to skills and knowledge needed to enter the workforce and advance in careers. Through relationships and partnerships with employers, we provide job seekers with employment referrals and placement services, career exposure, career advancement, seminars, coaching and long-term retention strategies. Successful outcomes are candidates who can be placed in high demand Northeast Ohio jobs with equitable opportunities for job retention and career advancement with ULGC case management assistance.

What We Offer Employer Partners
Our Goal is to enhance our workforce development effort, increase sustainable employment and income earning opportunities for youth and adults living within the Greater Cleveland area. We believe in fostering existing collaboration scenarios that create equity, and Economic Inclusion in regional economic development initiatives. After working closely with our Workforce Development Team, our employer partners have access to a pool of job and career seekers who have received one-on-one coaching, access to Certification Training and/or Upskilling Job Placement opportunities, and case management that results in job readiness. Our workforce programs also provide soft skills and communication training and assists our clients with identifying and cultivating employable skills.
ULGC Workforce Development Programs
ULGC Adult Workforce program – Upskilling & Reskilling connects need with opportunity! Adults 18+ who are unemployed or underemployed acquire career counseling and training for new skills. We provide a pathway to economic stability and sustainable living wages. Upskilling and Reskilling helps anyone looking for a new job or a promotion on an existing job to advance in your career. Our goal is to listen, connect, collaborate, and facilitate opportunity to raise employment and income levels
If you’re looking for a great employment opportunity, put on your game face! JACK Entertainment and Urban League of Greater Cleveland now have the GAME CHANGER! JACK Entertainment’s Table Games Academy prepares you with skills to become a licensed Table Games Dealer, start your career in gaming today! You will learn how to professionally deal Blackjack and other games in 25-hours with an opportunity to earn up to $1,000 a week. Registration is ongoing. Space is limited. You must be 21. Interviews and basic math tests required for registration. To be referred by the Urban League for the program, you must attend mandatory coaching sessions with our workforce development coaches.
OneTen is a coalition of leaders who are working together to cultivate economic opportunities for Black talent in America. The Urban League is partnering with OneTen to identify and develop diverse talent for employers in the greater Cleveland area. As a talent developer of the OneTen Employer Network, ULGC we will match Black job candidates without four-year college degrees with employers seeking to hire, retain, and advance individuals into family sustaining careers.
Work Now is a program designed to expose and engage young adults in Greater Cleveland who really want a career in the building and maintenance trades. Most participants are African American men and women between the ages of 18 and 29 with transportation and positive attitudes. Program participates receive training and exposure to work scenarios such as blueprint reading, safety, site visits, and assistance into apprenticeship. They learn soft skills and critical thinking from our Solid Opportunities for Advancement and Retention (SOAR) Program that also encompasses teamwork, resume development, career exploration, effective communication, and time management.
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