Reclaim Your Vote!
Because your voice matters & it has power.
Because you deserve a say in what happens in your life & your community.
Because your children & their children are counting on you to #ReclaimYourVote.
Defend Democracy. Demand Diversity. Defeat Poverty.
The National Urban League’s Reclaim Your Vote campaign is a national effort to promote voter registration, voter education, and voter activation. We prioritize civic engagement and protecting voting rights because the people we elect matter. Our vote is our voice; it decides our future and shapes the world around us. We must vote in order to Defend Democracy, Demand Diversity, and Defeat Poverty.
Each year, we engage millions of voters across the country to increase voter turnout and empower our communities to make their voices heard to drive change where they live and across America. Make your voice heard, get involved, and help ensure as many people as possible vote in the 2024 election!
2024 Voting Schedule
National Voter Registration Day
National Black Voter Day
Weekend of Action
Souls to the Polls
Voting Schedule for 2024 Election
September 17, 2024
September 20, 2024
September 20 & September 21
November 3, 2024 (Date & Activities to be confirmed)
September 20 – Military and Overseas Absentee Voting begins
October 7 – Deadline to Register to Vote. Boards open until 9:00 p.m.
October 8 – Absentee Voting by Mail begins (ends November 4, postmark deadline)
The deadline to request an absentee ballot is seven days before the election in which you want to vote. If mailed, absentee ballots must be postmarked by the day before the election in order to be counted.
October 8 – Early In-Person Voting begins
October 29 – Absentee ballot applications must be received by the board of elections by 8:30 p.m.
November 4 – Mailed Absentee Ballots must be postmarked by this date.
November 5 - General Elections – Polls open 6:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.
If not returned by mail, absentee ballots must be received by your board of elections by 7:30 p.m. on November 5.
5 Steps to
Reclaim Your Vote
• Check your registration. • Make sure your address is up to date. • Make sure the spelling of your name matches what's on your ID.
• Is early voting available in your state? If so, when does it begin and end? • Does your state allow mail-in ballots? If so, request one ASAP. • Does your state allow no-excuse absentee ballots? If so, request one ASAP.
• Does your state require an ID to vote? If so, which types are accepted? • Where is your closest polling place? • What time does your polling place open and close?
• Research the issues on the ballot. • Identity the causes and issues that matter most to you. • Look up the candidates and understand where they stand on key issues.
• Vote early, by mail, or absentee and vote the entire ballot.
• Make a plan! Take a family member, friend or neighbor and call/text to remind others.
• Call 866-OUR-VOTE to report any issues or voter suppression attempts.
Local Information
Contact: (877) 767-6446
Your trusted site for Ohio’s secure elections:
Register to Vote
Change Your Address
Update Your Name
Check Your Registration
Confirm Your Voter Registration
Voting Information
2024 Voting Schedule
About Ohio’s 2024 Elections
ID Requirements
Provisional Ballots
Find My District
Sign up here:
In Ohio, 17-year-old seniors in high school can serve as poll workers, even though they cannot vote. This is called the “Youth at the Booth” program.
Contact: (866) OUR-VOTE
If you experience a problem at the polls or have any questions about voting, contact Election Protection.
Call our suite of voter helplines:
(866) OUR-VOTE
(888) VE-Y-VOTA (Spanish/English)
(844) YALLA-US (Arabic/English)
(888) API-VOTE (English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Urdu, Hindi and Bengali)
Texting MYVOTE to (866) 687-8683 to get voting help from a trained volunteer
Starting a conversation with us on Twitter or Facebook Messenger at @866ourvote
WhatsApp (
Ohio ID Requirements for Voting In Person
A new voter ID law went into effect in 2023. Ohio now requires photo ID to vote.
You can show one of these Accepted Photo IDs:
Must be unexpired
Ohio driver’s license
Ohio state ID card
US passport or passport card
Military identification issued by Ohio National Guard or US government
US Veterans Affairs ID card
Interim identification form issued by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV)
The following IDs are no longer accepted for voting in Ohio: utility bill, bank statement, concealed carry permit, paycheck, government check or other government document without photo.
National Urban League’s Reclaim Your Vote campaign is a national effort to promote voter registration, voter education, and voter activation.
Read the Consequences of Silence by Rev. De. Larry L. Macon, Sr.