Empowering Communities.

Changing Lives.

Our Mission

The Urban League of Greater Cleveland is a community-based organization focused on eliminating the racial, economic, and societal barriers that prevent Black Americans and other underrepresented/underserved communities of color from achieving their full potential. Ultimately, our imperative is to ensure that EVERY member of our community has equitable civil rights, access to education, workforce development, and economic empowerment.

NUL President and CEO, Marc H. Morial, speaks to the formation of Cleveland’s Equity Institute

2023 Annual Report

2024 Strategic Plan

Board Members volunteered for four Work Groups to develop Goals, Objectives and Strategies: 1) Financial Support and Sustainability, 2) Governance, 3) Programming, and 4) Public Awareness. Under the supervision of various Board Committees, implementable tactics will be developed and include specific action steps, timelines, budget requirements and responsible parties for implementation, monitoring and evaluation at prescribed intervals, to ensure continuous improvement.




The ULGC receives support from local companies, foundations, the United Way, and caring individuals like you who believe in the programs and services we provide to the community. Your gift, large or small, supports the League’s infrastructure and agenda for Education and Youth Development, Economic Empowerment, Civic Engagement, and Civil Rights & Racial Justice. 

In exchange for their support, ULGC members are invited to some of our landmark events like the Celebration in Black & White, Annual Equal Opportunity Day Luncheon and Black History Month Celebrations. All membership contributions are 100% tax-deductible.

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